(02) 75065046 | (+63) 9175122539 info@aclex.com.ph


Atty. Eric R. Recalde

Atty. Eric R. Recalde presently heads ACCRALAW’s Tax Department, providing assistance in the different fields of law, including Taxation, Trusts & Estates, Mergers & Acquisitions, Investment Law, Government Contracts, Public Private Partnership Arrangements and Privatization Projects, and Antitrust & Trade Regulation.
He has also published several books on taxation: A Treatise on Tax Principles and Remedies,Rex Bookstore Publishing Company (2009), with its 2016 revised edition, The Philippine Local Tax and Tariff and Customs Laws, Rex Bookstore Publishing Company (2011), and The Philippine Internal Revenue Taxes, Rex Bookstore Publishing Company (2014). With Francisco Ed. Lim, he co-wrote Philippine Competition Act: Salient Points and Emerging Issues (2016).
He completed his Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in 1996 from San Beda College and ranked 11th in the September 1996 CPA Licensure Examinations. He then completed his Bachelor of Laws from the same school and graduated Class Salutatorian in 2002. He ranked 3rd in the 2002 Philippine Bar Examinations. Atty. Recalde also completed two post-graduate degrees in law, particularly, Master of Laws from San Beda College in 2009 and Master of Corporate Law from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom in 2014.


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+63 917 512 2539



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